If you want to print or export one particular standard then you will want to navigate to that particular standard's page first by by following these steps.
On the Standards page there are options of clicking the print icon that opens to print view and also a drop down Export button where you can choose to export to a Word or Acrobat document.
If you want to print or export standard reports then CPALMS has a section for you that allows you to download Microsoft Word documents or print ready reports of the standards, access points and glossary from CPALMS.
Click the Standards Information and Resources tab.
In the sub-menu, that now displays directly under the standards tab, click the Print/Export Standards link.
Displayed you will see reports for each subject on CPALMS listed and some with multiple options. Each row for each subject has download or print options.
There is also a second tab labeled Archived Standards for historical purposes.
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