If you need to share your curriculum map with an administrator, observer, or parent, the CMAP Document Viewer automatically generates a document that can be printed or exported as your map grows and changes.
Open the Document Viewer at the top right. This now shows in place of the Information Viewer.
By default, the Document Viewer displays the content from all visible rows and all sessions on your map, and this information is grouped by session. If you have sessions that cover multiple topics, you might choose the Group by Topic option.
You can reduce the number of sessions displayed in three ways:
- Click Narrow Selection near the top of the Document Viewer panel and change your start and end session numbers.
- Click the Session Focuser icon near the bottom left of your page (magnifying glass symbol), then select one or more sequential sessions on your map. To select many sessions, click the first or last session in the sequence, scroll to the other end, hold down SHIFT on your keyboard and click the session at the other end of the sequence.
- Use a keyboard shortcut to toggle to the Session Focuser, by hitting the S-key.
You can change the content displayed in the Document Viewer by hiding or showing rows in the map.
When you are ready to share your map, select Print or Export at the top of the Document Viewer panel. Both choices prompt you to select the row content you would like to include in the document.
- Click Print to generate a clean, printable page in the browser.
- Click Export to generate a Word document and note the location before clicking Save.
You can also print or export selected session information without opening the Document Viewer. Just click or drag across the top of the session columns to highlight them and choose Print or Export from the popup menu.
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