Activate the Link tool by clicking its icon near the bottom left.
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The CMAP Link tool enables you to group related items on your map. Activate the Link tool by clicking its icon near the bottom left or hitting the L-key on your keyboard. Later, linked items can be copied or moved. Create a link by clicking two items. Each time you want to create a new link, you must click both items being linked.
In addition to the link lines, CMAP marks items in the same linked group with tiny flags of the same color.
CMAP links work from the top-down, so create link groups by first clicking the items in the top rows and then working your way downward.
Links cannot be added to items in automatic rows, since they are automatically linked to the standard in that session.
Moving individual items will not break links with other items.
To select and move an entire group of linked items, long-press an item in the top row of the group until all the linked items are highlighted, then drag the group to another session.
To select and move a portion of a group, long-press a linked item in a lower row. CMAP will only highlight linked items in that same row and rows below. Linked items in rows above the selected item will not be highlighted, but they’ll still be linked.
To copy a linked group, right click an item in the top row of the group, select Copy with links, click OK if you see a notification, right-click the same row another session, click Paste events, and confirm that everything is place correctly.
To remove existing links, activate the Link tool and click both linked items.
If you make a mistake when creating links, moving, or copying a group, use the History Log in the lower left corner to undo recent actions.
When you are finished, be sure to deactivate the Link tool by clicking its icon.
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