Activate the Share Locking tool by clicking its icon near the bottom.
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The CMAP Share Locking tool allows you to lock timeline items on your map when it’s shared with others.
Share locking is mainly used for time-based items that are unlikely to change, such as standardized testing dates.
Activate the Share Locking tool by clicking its icon near the bottom or hitting the H-key on your keyboard.
Click timeline items while the tool is activated to lock and unlock them. Locked timeline items are outlined in red.
On maps that are shared with you, a share locked item cannot be unlocked or moved, but you can change its information by selecting it on the timeline and clicking Edit in the Information Viewer to the right.
Unlocked items on maps that are shared with you can be moved and modified any way you like, including share locking.
When you’re finished, deactivate the Share Locking tool by clicking its icon.
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