CMAP allows you to upload custom items to any row or session on the timeline.
Click an empty spot in any session on the timeline to open the Information Viewer on the right. Then click the Custom tab if it is not displayed by default.
The edit dialog for custom timeline items is always the same.
- The title and description are always required.
- Add a link by pasting a URL into the Links field and clicking the Add Link button. You can add additional links one-at-a-time using the same method. If you need to remove a link, click the X icon to the right.
- Upload custom files by dragging them into the Drag and Drop Files Here area or click Browse to select them from your computer. If you need to remove a file, click the X icon to the right.
- Click Add to update the item on the timeline.
To edit a custom timeline item, click it on the timeline to open the Information Viewer, and click the Edit button. For custom items in a Topics, Standards, or Resources row, you’ll need to click the Custom tab.
Adjust the position of custom items by dragging them on the timeline and adjust the length of items by dragging the handles at the left and right ends. You can also make these changes by selecting the item and changing the Session numbers in the Information Viewer. The number on the left end of each timeline item indicates the number of sessions it covers.
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