Once you are in your CMAP, click on an empty spot within the Topic row. The Document viewer will appear on the right side of the screen where you will be able to add, based on options related to the course, by searching or by adding a custom topic.
Read more for helpful tips:
CMAP knows the course you are teaching and automatically recommends aligned topics, standards, and CPALMS-approved resources, which can be added with a click.
CMAP’s intelligent recommendations are based on selections above the current row, so it’s best to add items from the top down.
Click an empty spot in the Topic row to open the Add a Topic dialog in the Information Viewer on the right. By default, CMAP recommends the high-level topics and sub-topics related to the course. Narrow the list by deselecting the options at the top and learn more about each topic by clicking the information icon on each tile. Add the topic to the timeline by clicking the plus sign or drag it onto the timeline. After an item is added to the timeline, it will be grayed out and checked in the Information Viewer, so you can quickly see which topics and standards still need to be addressed in your curriculum.
Click the Standard row below the topic you just added, which opens the Add a Standard dialog. By default, CMAP recommends the standards and access points aligned to the topics in the rows above. Narrow the list, learn more about each standard, and add it to the timeline as you did with the Topics.
Click the Resources row below the standard you just added, which opens the Add a Resource dialog. By default, CMAP recommends CPALMS-approved resources aligned to the standards in the rows above. Narrow the list, learn more about each resource, and add it to the timeline like before.
CMAP allows you to add multiple topics, standards, and resources in the same session by clicking the empty space below current item in each row.
Adjust the position of items by dragging them on the timeline and adjust the length of items by dragging the handles at the left and right ends. You can also make these changes by selecting the item and changing the Session numbers in the Information Viewer. The number on the left end of each timeline item indicates the number of sessions it covers.
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