Before you begin, ensure that your CMAP is synced to your school calendar by using CSchedule, set up custom rows for parents, and make sure there are resources in those rows for the current date (e.g., rows for Original Student Tutorials and Notes for Parents).
Start by clicking the Share, Import and Export tab, at the top of your CMAP.
The first time you share, you will need to agree to CPALMS terms and conditions.
Click Sharing with Parents and Create a New Share Code. This opens the Parent View of CMAP editor, where you will create the webpage.
This page has two parts. The top part indicates if the webpage is active or inactive. It also displays the webpage title and provides a direct URL to the parent page, an Access Code for parents to jump to this class when viewing other classes, and a Preview option. The parent webpage will not be active when you start, so the Preview button will be grayed-out until it has been saved.
At the bottom is Step 1: Basic Information.
The parent webpage will use your CMAP title by default. To change the title just type it in the Custom Title text box and the change will be reflected in the title at the top of the page when you save your information.
After the title, you are required to type a description.
Click the green Next Step button.
In Step 2: CMAP Content - you will select rows from your CMAP that you would like to share with parents.
Farther down, there are three statements that are checked by default:
- The first will display every CPALMS parent resource for standards selected for a particular day, which is a good option if you are pressed for time. If you only want to share parent resources that you have hand-picked, then you would want to deselect this box.
- The second will display every CPALMS student resource for standards selected for a particular day, which is a good option if you are pressed for time. If you only want to share student resources that you have hand-picked, then you would want to deselect this box.
- The third hides information tiles on the parent webpage if there are no resources selected for that day. If you want to avoid showing information with zero resources, then you would want to keep this box checked.
Click Next Step again to proceed.
In Step 3: Educator Information - you will customize the information that parents will see about you on the webpage.
By default, "Display my current profile information" is checked, which uses the contact information and profile picture associated with your CPALMS account. Select Hide for any information that you do not want parent to see, or select Override to open a text box and type custom information for that field. If you do not have a profile picture or you want to change it, just uncheck the box next to Display the current profile information and click Choose File.
If you are sharing resources from a collaborative CMAP, you can display or hide information about your collaborators on the Parent webpage by clicking the “Edit additional educators contact information” link.
Click Save which prompts you to activate the parent webpage by clicking the Green button. The system will display a shareable link, but it is a good idea to preview the Parent View page before sharing it with your parents.
Click Continue… Sharing with Parents… then Edit on the tile for the page you just created. Back in the Parent View of CMAP editor, the page is now active, so use the Preview option to ensure everything is in order.
At the top of the Parent View webpage is the Access Another Class option, where parents can quickly jump to another class by entering the Access Code for a different class.
In the next area is the session number, the grading period, the webpage title, a link to the teacher information, and a print option.
The middle area is where the resources and notes will be displayed, which parents can view in more detail by clicking on the colored tiles. They can use the date buttons to jump forward or backward to other class sessions. There are options to view resources by the week or by the day and to skip sessions that have no resources.
At the bottom you can review the information you chose to share about yourself.
Return to the Parent View of CMAP editor and save any changes that were made. Now you can share the direct Access URL with parents in an email, blog, LMS, class webpage, or direct parents to where they can enter the access code.
When you return to your CMAP on the My Planner tab, anything you add or change in the shared parent rows will automatically be updated on the Parent View website.
If you ever need to deactivate or edit the sharing options on the Parent View webpage, then access the editor by clicking the Share, Import & Export tab… Sharing with Parents… and Edit for that webpage.
After you have successfully created your first Parent View webpage try sharing parent resources for your other classes too. You can also create additional parent webpages for the same class by clicking Create a new share code.
We hope that CMAP makes sharing resources with parents easier than ever.
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